
As a nonprofit, we are committed to providing donors with 100% transparency!

That is why we achieved the Platinum Star status in Guidestar by Candid.

GuideStar collects information about every single IRS-registered nonprofit organization in the country.

Only select organizations, like ours, earn Platinum Star status, underscoring our ongoing commitment to nonprofit transparency.

Click the Platinum Star seal.  Then search by our name, FD NOW or our tax exempt ID number EIN: 26-3531031 and see exactly how transparent and accountable we are to our donors.

In addition, we have also achieved the top rated nonprofit seal from Great Nonprofits. GreatNonprofits is the leading platform for community-sourced stories about nonprofits. These stories are submitted by people who know us best — our clients, donors, volunteers, and others– all those who have experienced the impact of our nonprofit work up close!

Click the top-rated nonprofit seal to read our reviews.